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  1. Proper Dosage of HGH Injections

    Proper Dosage of HGH Injections It is proper dosage of HGH injections that ensures the best possible treatment with the least side effects. The most effective dosage is the amount calculated by the doctor, after he or she has evaluated the results of the blood exams and patient’s chemical background. In spite of what other […]

  2. Growth Hormone Therapy Myth and Facts

    Growth Hormone Therapy Myth and Facts Separating the growth hormone therapy myth and facts from one another is crucial before you make a decision to begin treatment with HGH injections. What is truth and what is fiction about HGH? Will human growth hormone therapy stop you from aging? Will you develop super-human strength and muscles […]

  3. High Testosterone

    High Testosterone – Is Too Much Good or Bad? Ambition, strength, confidence, sexual prowess, determination – these are all qualities associated with high testosterone in men and women. Unfortunately, so are aggression, alcohol abuse, risky behaviors, and even polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in females. When it comes to high testosterone levels, we have to look […]

  4. Why Do I Need HRT

    Do I Need Hormone Replacement Therapy And Why? People may ask, “Do I need hormone therapy?” The answer can only be given by the individual person based upon his or her symptoms, what he or she knows about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and how he or she feels about the process. A doctor will decide […]

  5. HGH therapy and sex drive

    HGH Therapy And Sex Drive Can HGH help sex drive? Yes. One of the main symptoms of a growth hormone deficiency that patients will bring up to their doctors is a having a low sexual drive or a low sexual libido. Human growth hormone (HGH) therapy has been proven to help sex drive. There are […]

  6. Estrogen Therapy for Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis does not just happen to women, nor is estrogen therapy for osteoporosis a female-only treatment. Men have a one in five chance of dealing with an osteoporotic fracture as they age compared to a woman who faces one in three odds. That is why discovering if you are at risk for osteoporosis as early […]

  7. Estrogen Therapy

    Estrogen Therapy: Overview, Uses, Types, Benefits, and Risks One of the most studied forms of hormone replacement is estrogen therapy. Doctors prescribe estrogen replacement to women for numerous reasons, including: Relief of specific menopausal symptoms Regulation of menstrual cycles Following hysterectomy Although it was once prescribed for osteoporosis, dementia, and heart disease, doctors today use […]

  8. Increase Testosterone Naturally

    9 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally Testosterone is an androgen hormone crucial for both the male and female body, although women naturally produce less than men. Because testosterone levels tend to decline with age, the importance of finding ways to increase testosterone naturally is crucial. The following 9 ways to increase testosterone naturally are best […]

  9. Testosterone Enanthate Benefits

    Testosterone Enanthate Benefits The physical decline that men often start to notice in their forties and fifties frequently results from a change in hormone levels that can begin more than ten years earlier, which is why testosterone enanthate benefits are eagerly sought out when Low T is the diagnosis. Testosterone production begins its slow and […]

  10. Testosterone Enanthate Results

    Testosterone Enanthate Results Men with Low T have a lot to look forward to when they begin testosterone replacement therapy. Instead of gaining weight, feeling tired all of the time, losing drive and focus at work, and seeing interest in ALL pleasurable activities disappear, the positive testosterone enanthate results will restore well-toned muscles, sex drive, […]

Human Growth Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many of us know and have learned about how hormones are the chemical messengers in the body regulating many vital functions. There are different hormones that work on different areas of the body to keep things running smooth and efficient. Besides wanting to look young, people also have cases of gender identity being confusing and wanting to be the opposite of their gender. In these cases also hormone replacement therapy is vital. For others it’s about ageing and the discomfort that comes with growing older. People want to look young with wrinkle free skin and vitality that is there during their younger years. They turn to hormone replacement for these reasons as well. Another reason to opt for it is during menopause. Many women experience extreme mood swings and lack of interest as their body goes through a phase called menopause. It is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and this affects levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. By using supplements of these hormones women can overcome the problems that accompany this huge change in their lives.