Testosterone Products for Sale – Making the Right Choice

Testosterone Products for Sale

If your doctor has prescribed testosterone replacement therapy as the chosen method of correcting a condition called Low T, it is important to make the right choice regarding treatment options.

There are many different testosterone products for sale, but not all are the best choice for each person. Your hormone replacement therapy specialist is the best person to help you decide on the ideal course of action for your needs.

The other way that you will make the right choice is in the selection process of where to buy testosterone products for sale online. Numerous options exist in this area, as well, and this is where a person can take a wrong turn.

Here is what you need to know about where to buy your testosterone products:

  • Never use or purchase someone else’s testosterone replacement therapy. Even if that person got his or her medication from a doctor, it might not be what your body needs.
  • Do not buy testosterone products from unregulated websites. The black market is full of companies that are out to take your money while delivering inferior quality items. Testosterone is a highly counterfeited medication. You may end up with a product that is dangerous to use, something else entirely, expired, watered down, or substituted with another drug.
  • Only purchase testosterone products from legitimate and licensed US pharmacies. Your hormone specialist will most likely use a partner pharmacy that provides treatment at affordable prices.

By keeping these guidelines in mind, you will be able to make a safe purchase of effective testosterone products for sale.

Best Options in Testosterone Therapy for Men

Men have many different options when it comes to testosterone therapy. Some are considered more effective and are easier to use. There are variances in cost factors, usage, and even cross-contamination. What that means is that other individuals who come into contact with the treated area are at risk for some testosterone entering their bodies.

Here are the best options for male testosterone products:

  • Testosterone Injections
    • Testosterone cypionate is the most widely prescribed and used form of TRT for men. These shots are given once every 10 to 14 days in most cases, and administration at home is simple to learn. Testosterone cypionate also carries the lowest cost and the highest level of effectiveness and results.
    • Testosterone enanthate is the second most recommended form of injectable treatment for Low T in men. Although it does not last as long as testosterone cypionate and requires administration once every 7 to 10 days, it is a viable choice for some males.
  • Transdermal Testosterone
    • Testosterone skin patches come in two forms – scrotal and non-scrotal. Very few men opt for scrotal patches as the scrotum must be kept free of hair and a high level of irritation is likely. Non-scrotal patches may adhere to different parts of the body, depending on brand, and could fall off in water or bed – the latter of which poses a cross-contamination risk to one’s partner. Patches also carry a very high cost.
    • Testosterone gel – this carries the highest risk of cross-contamination to others, especially if there are children who may come into contact with the treated area. The treated skin takes a while to dry, and avoidance of water or putting on clothing until dry is necessary. Testosterone gel is also applied daily and has a higher cost than other treatment methods.
  • Transbuccal Testosterone – this is a tablet that adheres to the gums. It can cause oral irritation, bitter taste, and could be accidentally swallowed. The cost is higher than testosterone injections and must be reapplied twice daily.
  • Implantable Testosterone – these pellets are surgically implanted under the skin. Treatment is extremely expensive, and there is a risk of the pellets working their way out of the skin. They are also difficult to remove if a problem occurs.

When looking to buy testosterone products, many men opt for the lower price and convenience of testosterone cypionate injections which also provide the best results.

Women and Testosterone Replacement Selections

Women in need of testosterone replacement therapy do not have the same list of options as men. When it comes to testosterone products for females, doctors typically opt for testosterone cream compounded by the pharmacy to the individual woman’s lower dosage needs. This safe, rapid absorbing cream reduces the risk of cross-contamination and is highly effective at raising testosterone levels in women.

To determine the best testosterone option for your personal needs, please contact HT Medical Center to speak with a hormone specialist to assess your situation. Consultations are confidential and provided at no cost or obligation.