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Human Growth Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many of us know and have learned about how hormones are the chemical messengers in the body regulating many vital functions. There are different hormones that work on different areas of the body to keep things running smooth and efficient. Besides wanting to look young, people also have cases of gender identity being confusing and wanting to be the opposite of their gender. In these cases also hormone replacement therapy is vital. For others it’s about ageing and the discomfort that comes with growing older. People want to look young with wrinkle free skin and vitality that is there during their younger years. They turn to hormone replacement for these reasons as well. Another reason to opt for it is during menopause. Many women experience extreme mood swings and lack of interest as their body goes through a phase called menopause. It is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and this affects levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. By using supplements of these hormones women can overcome the problems that accompany this huge change in their lives.