Testosterone and HGH Therapy

Testosterone and HGH therapy have been helping people to change their lives in some truly miraculous ways when their hormone levels got too low and began causing problems. Throughout the years, some very popular studies have been published in some very prestigious medical journals. These sources discuss what can happen when a subject’s normal hormonal levels get too low. They share how HRT helped in those situations to reverse the negative symptoms that came along with those hormonal imbalances. When IGF-1 levels were tested in the blood and were found to be much lower than they should be, these are some results that came forth as the studies ran their course:
- With low growth hormone levels, patients were found to be at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease according to a report in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine.
- Subjects were at a higher danger of developing stress related problems at lower lGF-1 levels as reported by Intensive Care Medicine in 2005.
- Higher risk of memory loss became very apparent with low HGH production as stated in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in 2005.
- Higher risk of mental decline was obvious in studies listed in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2000.
- Increased risk of premature atherosclerosis occurred when IGF-1 levels were low in both men and women according to the American Journal of Epidemiology, 2003.
Once patients in other studies were treated for low hormone levels, their HGH and testosterone therapy results looked like this:
- At the University of California, HGH treated patients gained 12 percent increase in their mental dexterity as measure by testing.
- As HGH levels were increased in otherwise healthy adults and those who were in the beginning stages of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, treatment began to ameliorate their cognitive declines as measured by numerous tests described in the Neurobiology of Aging in 2006.
- Better heart functioning was the result after 3 months of treatment with recombinant human growth hormone as reported by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2006.
- Men who were treated for 9 months with either HGH medications or a placebo in a double blind trial proved that the men who got the medication had great improvements. Visceral fat declined, diastolic blood pressure lowered, total serum cholesterol dropped and serum triglycerides decreased. There were no changes for those who received the placebos according to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
The aforementioned studies are only several of thousands done over the years to prove that testosterone and HGH injections through medically supervised treatment have a definite effect on health related issues that occur because of declining levels of human growth hormones and testosterone.
Is HGH and Testosterone Therapy The Same?
Is HGH and testosterone therapy the same? The human growth hormone medications of HGH and testosterone that are being used in therapy for increasing energy levels, endurance, sexual performance and muscles have a great connection. It has been under great speculation for years about what HGH and testosterone have in common. HGH medications for therapy are artificially synthesized growth hormones which are manufactured to be bioidentical to what the body already produces. Another name for this is somatropin. These are peptide compounds and they affect functioning of the pituitary gland in the brain to help stimulate it to produce more growth hormone when the body becomes deficient with age. Testosterone medications used in HRT are also anabolic compounds produced in both male and female bodies (although females produce much less). Both supplements when given by injection, help to enable the body to grow, function and heal in a healthier and most efficient manner. Both medications help with cell and tissue regeneration, the building of muscles while reducing the formation of excess fat tissue. Is HGH therapy better than testosterone therapy? It truly is not a question of which form of therapy is better for all people, but which would be better for a person on an individualized basis. Only a qualified, licensed doctor who is an expert in hormone replacement therapy can decide which form of treatment will be better for each client that he or she works with either in person or online (online being more convenient). The doctor will have the client’s information including blood work, exam and medical history in order to make the best conclusion as to how to reach their hormone replacement therapy goals in the safest, quickest and most efficient manner. Although HGH and testosterone are very similar in some ways, there is also a great degree of difference that will be discussed.
What is The Difference Between HGH and Testosterone Therapy?
What is the difference between HGH and testosterone therapy? Testosterone and human growth hormone therapy are both coming into the spotlight and becoming more and more popular as the days pass. People cannot fight the process of aging, but they can fight the symptoms that go along with it. It is apparent that more and more of these people are doing their research and due diligence and learning how. Both human growth hormone and testosterone medications play key roles in helping to combat some mild to very severe symptoms of the aging progression, overall health and life expectancy. Both of the hormones are very commonly prescribed by qualified physicians to people who have confirmed HGH or testosterone deficiencies and wish to enhance their sexual performance, gain energy and vitality, improve their body composition and physique and bring back their youthful zest for life. HGH is produced by the pituitary gland and is released into the bloodstream. It then travels to the liver and stimulates the production of IGF-1 (also called insulin-like growth factor 1). It is a hormone that directly impacts cell growth, regeneration and DNA synthesis. HGH will stimulate the testes into producing testosterone when needed, which is another very vital hormone that has a direct impact on the same things that HGH does. However, as it was always known that HGH would boost testosterone, scientists have done studies that confirm that that an increase in testosterone production will boost HGH. These hormones work synergistically together and both can produce very positive benefits for the body when working together. Some popular sources have shared a list of the differences between human growth hormone and testosterone. Here is a simple compilation of what was cited:
- Over approximately a 6 month period of time, HGH will work alone to burn body fat by increasing metabolism.
- Testosterone by itself will help to build great muscle mass and tons of strength.
- HGH alone will help repair and strengthen cells, tissues, muscles and ligaments.
- HGH tends to be more costly than testosterone.
HGH Therapy vs Testosterone Therapy
HGH therapy versus testosterone therapy: Is it safe to combine natural testosterone and HGH? So many people who are attempting to fight the aging process and are determined to win, are looking for the best way to enhance their energy, muscle growth, keep their skin youthful and wrinkle free, keep their sexual prowess strong, their mental acuity sharp, their immune system fighting off sickness and infection and helping to heal from injuries faster. The good news is that they have choices between using human growth hormone and testosterone and the decision will be ultimately made by their qualified doctor. The professional will know exactly what plan of action to take with a client once they know exactly what the client needs through blood work and a physical examination, including a medical history. Many people want to know whether or not it is safe to use both hormones at the same time. What are the differences? Sources state that HGH stimulates testosterone production and does more to directly cause the release of different growth factors that safely help to directly influence cellular and tissue development, growth and regeneration. This is vitally important for feeling healthy and strong and having gusto when awakening in the morning. Whether choosing human growth hormone medications or testosterone medications or both, a doctor will make sure to give the correct dosages (not too much nor too little). Giving the incorrect amount can cause either no effects or negative side effects due to too much of the hormone. This is why testing is so imperative and why doctors analyze and strategically structure every hormone replacement therapy program for clients; to make sure they get the best results possible as safely as possible. In addition, it is why it is also extremely important to have complete medical supervision while using hormone injections. When combining both hormones together, this can produce very large muscle increase, significantly increase a person’s level of strength, endurance and performance and help to quickly decrease fat stores. As one can most likely infer, it is very easy for these hormones to be abused by athletes and that is why reputable clinics only work with those who are experiencing a true hormone deficiency and are not out to increase their athletic performance only. A clinic such as HT Medical Center only works with healthy adults over 30 who have gotten approval from their doctors as being GH or testosterone deficient. Both HGH and testosterone hormones are very strong and powerful, but at the same time they are known to be very gentle on the body, helping it to fight aging symptoms when prescribed and used under medical supervision.
Taking HGH and Testosterone Together
Taking HGH and testosterone together is something that many clients actually do, as the hormones can work synergistically very well together, according to many well known sources. If a client is already taking an HGH supplementation of injections, taking testosterone in conjunction with the HGH may actually enhance the effects of HGH on the body. However, it is very important to always remember that a prescription and medical supervision by a licensed practitioner are imperative. An important study was done and published in a known medical journal that shared that testosterone was definitely found to increase IGF-1 levels and that this no doubt came from rising HGH levels in the body. As testosterone (known for building muscle and sexual libido among other things) is very closely related to human growth hormone (called a higher level of testosterone by some sources), each helps to increase the production of the other. Can you take HGH and testosterone at the same time? Absolutely! However, it is highly advised to only take these medications under the careful supervision of a medical doctor who deems it appropriate that a patient takes both. There are other things that can be done to increase the natural production of hormone levels. How does one increase their testosterone levels while at the same time boosting their HGH levels? Exercise can do the trick. Specifically, many professionals have shared that by doing frequent resistance training like using heavy weights and doing calisthenics will increase the levels of both hormones. Then on top of that, supplementation can come from taking injections of specifically calculated dosages by a licensed doctor who is an expert in HRT.
How Much Does HGH and Testosterone Therapy Cost?
How much does HGH and testosterone therapy cost? Of course, people want to know if hormone replacement therapy is affordable, and they deserve to know with good reason. It is important to understand that quality of life is what gives people purpose and reason to want to wake up each morning. When feeling lethargic, unhealthy and unhappy, people often wonder what the value and worth of their lives are. Can one put a price on that? Each client, working with an HGH or testosterone therapy clinic should have their own individualized treatment plan protocol created just for them. This is how a client can determine whether or not a hormone center is legitimate. HGH and testosterone therapy cost will include every aspect of the program specifically designed for the client. This will include a first initial consultation to discuss symptoms and goals for therapy as the beginning step. If a person wants to continue working with the clinic, they will then have an appointment set up for them by the clinic’s expert clinical advisors for blood sampling and a physical examination. They will fill out a medical history form as well. Once testing is completed, the clinic’s licensed doctors will fully examined the results of the tests and clearly determine whether there is a true hormone deficiency and whether HGH, testosterone or both will be necessary for treatment. They will then decide upon which medications, at what dosages and for what length of time the client will be in treatment. This is when a patient will discover the exact cost of their HGH or testosterone therapy because all people will incur different costs based on their individual and unique needs. Look for a clinic that offers superior customer service with advisors who are available during all normal business hours for questions or concerns. When undergoing HRT, one should never have to wonder about any aspect of their journey towards great health and happiness.
Benefits of HGH and Testosterone Therapy
What are the benefits of HGH and testosterone therapy? When human growth hormone medications and testosterone medications work together, the benefits can be truly remarkable. Only under the medical supervision of a licensed professional, will positive benefits be practically guaranteed. Dosages can be manipulated and medications changed until a client feels differences in their physical, emotional, mental and sexual health. These are some of the incredible benefits that come along with hormonal replacement therapy:
- Ability to lose weight without much work involved
- Higher mental acuteness and ability to concentrate, focus and remember better
- Stronger cardiovascular system helping to decrease the risk of heart attack or stroke
- More emotional stability with decreased moodiness and positive feelings
- Higher endurance, stamina, energy and zest
- Healthier cholesterol levels
- Healthier heart rate
- Stronger sexual stamina and functioning
- Bigger and stronger muscles
- Stronger bone density for less risk of osteoporosis
- Sharper eyesight
- Organ growth
The plethora of studies published about testosterone and HGH therapy are extremely enlightening and positive towards the incredible benefits that hormone replacement therapy has given to those with depleted growth hormones.
Is HGH Therapy Better Than Testosterone Therapy?
If one is wondering is HGH therapy better than testosterone therapy, the answer is that one or the other will be better depending on the needs of the person undergoing therapy. Otherwise healthy adults treated with HGH and testosterone medications have experienced beneficial effects in the improvement of their overall general well being and quality of life, according to many studies, one in particular published in Clinical Endocrinology. Several studies in other journals proved that recurrent depression was associated when subjects did not get enough sleep and therefore did not secrete enough growth hormone. HGH also helped with the reduction of anxiety related disorders. A study showed that when growth hormone was administered to adult men with a deficiency in GH, they had an increase in bone density, a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle. Other studies showed that cognitive impairments and function, sleep disorders, mood disturbances, age related erectile dysfunction, deteriorating physical conditions and body composition were all associated with low GH levels within the body. When given human growth hormone injections as prescribed by a doctor, these ailments were reversed or completely eliminated. When the body cannot produce its own growth hormone or testosterone due to the dictation of Mother Nature, hormone replacement therapy is available to those with true deficiencies and who wish to live happy and healthy lives with stronger relationships, better to job performance and overall better sense of well being at any age.