HGH Benefits for Hair

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is not just a problem for men. Many women suffer from thinning hair, bald patches, and severe hair loss at different times in their lives. For some people, an increase in low growth hormone levels with HGH therapy can improve hair growth.
Hair loss or thinning may be due to any of the following:
- Stress
- Illness
- Aging
- Hormone level changes
- Medications
- Post Pregnancy
- Genetics
These are the top causes of hair loss. When the HGH benefits for hair begin, a noticeable difference will appear when you shower, brush your hair, and look in the mirror. Human growth hormone can restore a thick, full head of hair for many individuals.
The sheer name “growth hormone” applies to more than just height. Somatotropin, as it is also called, is responsible for stimulating the cellular regeneration process in the body – an action that provides new cells to the hair follicles, as well as the skin, muscles, organs, bones, blood, and more.
HGH helps hair loss by getting to the “root” of the cause – literally the roots of the hair. While it is normal for a healthy adult to lose up to 100 hair strands a day, it is wise to be concerned when more than that falls out. If your once thick head of hair has become thin, brittle, dry, or you can now see patches of scalp, it may be time for a blood test to determine if you have growth hormone deficiency.
Does HGH Promote Hair Growth?
When you have a hormone with an explicit function of promoting growth in all tissues and cells in the body, beneficial effects will undoubtedly appear in corresponding areas. For adults dealing with hair loss or thinning, HGH helps hair growth at the start of the hair growth cycle.
Because hair is made up of cells, growth hormone and another hormone it stimulates – insulin growth factor 1, contribute to the formation of each new hair follicle as it forms. The hair growth cycle is as follows:
- Anagen Phase – HGH and IGF-1 stimulate new cells to regenerate. Some of these cells appear in the hair bulb at the root of the hair follicle. In the bulb, nutrients convert into new hair cells. As new cells form, they add to the base of the hair strand, pushing older parts outward, lengthening and strengthening the strand. Nutrients and growth signals enter the hair through the bloodstream through the dermal papilla. As the strand of hair pushes up through the follicle, keratinization occurs.
Keratinocytes (keratin producing cells) fill the hair with fibrous proteins. Hair stays in this phase for 2 to 7 years, and genetics play a part in this timeline. The more time the hair remains in anagen, the longer it will grow. Since this phase shortens with age, the hair may become thinner with each new cycle. - Catagen Phase – this short transition signals the end of the active growth of the hair and lasts about ten days as the hair strand detaches from the dermal papilla and converts to a club hair.
- Telogen Phase – the club hair is no longer attached to its blood supply which means it can no longer be repaired. It may appear dull and lifeless. In normal times, roughly 15% of the hair is in this phase which lasts approximately three months. Up to 70% of hair can enter telogen phase during times of extreme stress.
As a result of HGH effects on hair loss, increased cellular regeneration means more cells growing and dividing to form stronger, thicker hair. The average human head has about 150,000 follicles with 85% in the anagen phase. By the time both the catagen and telogen phases pass, and new hair growth begins (between months three and four of the cycle), a person taking HGH will start to notice an improvement in hair growth.
Effects of HGH on Hair Color
All hair starts out white. Hair color comes from melanin – a type of pigment. Melanin is composed of pigment cells called melanocytes. As part of the HGH effects on hair, HGH and IGF-1 help stimulate the production of all cells, including melanocytes. These pigment cells position themselves in the cortex, and as the hair strand passes through this area, the melanocytes inject their pigment into the keratin protein in the hair.
There are two types of pigment in the cortex:
- Eumelanin for brown or black hair
- Pheomelanin for red hair
People with blond hair have very little hair pigmentation. With age, brown eumelanin ceases production but black eumelanin continues, and when only black eumelanin is present in the cortex, it turns the hair grey.
The way that HGH effects hair color is by increasing the abundance of melanocytes. That is why some people notice that their original hair color returns after about six months of HGH therapy.
For additional information, please contact HT Medical Center.