HGH Study Research 2018 – What the Latest Reports Say

HGH Study Research 2018

At HT Medical Center, one of our goals is to bring you information we feel is relevant to those seeking hormone therapy. Our first HGH study research 2018 report features some relatively new data from last year, as well as prior reports we want to highlight again.

A great deal of information about human growth hormone has come out of Harvard. HGH study material presented here is just a fraction of areas we hope to learn more about in the future. Interesting studies include:

  • Using HGH to treat corneal epithelial defects by promoting corneal wound healing [1]
  • Using recombinant human growth hormone to diminish protein catabolism and reduce urea generation in stable adult hemodialysis patients [2]

We look forward to seeing follow-up reports on these promising studies.

As in the past, we are not going to present an HGH anti-aging study because this can be misleading. Anti-aging is a term used by the health and beauty industries to sell products and treatments. The goal – helping you look and feel younger. Some people want to turn back the clock, and while it may appear that is occurring, remember, you cannot change your age.

There are, however, positive HGH study results that we want to point out speak to the benefits of growth hormone for helping improve your appearance. Additionally, since HGH impacts brain, metabolism, heart, and immune functions, as well as libido, you will see widespread results.

Research Study of HGH and Spinal Injuries

One of the most promising HGH studies to report about in 2018 was presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Lisbon last May. Findings from the first human study that investigated the connection between growth hormone deficiency and spinal injuries were promising. Information can be found in this report in ScienceDaily. [3]

The HGH study research looked at combining physical therapy with growth hormone treatment. Results of six months of dual treatment provided significant improvements in sensory functions for patients with complete spinal injuries.

Studies show that more than 70 percent of individuals with spinal injuries are also growth hormone deficient. The research conducted in Barcelona focused on 18 patients, some of whom received HGH while others received a placebo. Two hours of daily physical exercise was part of the protocol.

Significant improvements were found in respiration, sphincter control, and measures of self-care. At the six-month mark, those individuals who received HGH had regained increased feeling below the spinal injury site as compared to the placebo group.

Further HGH study research, 2018 and beyond, is necessary to confirm these findings. More importantly, there is the hope of extending these benefits to other individuals with spinal injuries.

HGH Therapy and Bone Mineral Density

In other Harvard HGH study research , 2018 brings the findings of another report from last year – increased bone formation and resorption rates. [4]

Fractures and osteoporosis are two of the leading causes of loss of independence in the elderly. In this latest HGH study, 18 to 24 months of growth hormone replacement therapy led to increased bone mineral density and potential for reduced risk of fractures.

HGH directly stimulates osteoblasts, and together with insulin growth factor 1, you have improved osteoblast proliferation and bone formation. Receptors for both GH and IGF-1 can be found in bone.

Cigarettes and Hormones – How Smoking Lowers HGH Levels

In additional HGH study research in 2018 that we are reporting, smoking can also influence HGH levels in the body.

According to Dr. Sanjay Kalra, a Consultant Endocrinologist at Bharti Hospital Karnal, and Vice President of the South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies, smoking has a negative impact on all the body’s hormones.

Inhalation of tobacco produces carbon monoxide, which, in turn, lowers the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. Carbone monoxide also increases the stickiness of platelets which can contribute to atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries.

Here at HT Medical Center, we want you to understand that impaired blood flow can inhibit transport of hormones throughout the bloodstream. The result is reduced signals that can lead to HGH production.

Dangers of Using HGH without a Prescription

Dr. Kalra also warns of using HGH without doctor supervision. Unwarranted and excessive use can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and, possibly, cancer.

Just to point out, that according to our current HGH study research of 2018, there is no increased risk of cancer with medically supervised HGH therapy. Remember, trained and experienced hormone specialists run full hormone blood panels before prescribing any form of treatment.

The most likely individuals to see adverse reactions from HGH are athletes and bodybuilders who purchase HGH for illegal use.

HGH should always be prescribed by a doctor with an extensive background in hormone replacement therapy. That is what you will find here at HT Medical Center. Please contact us for a confidential consultation at no charge.