Get More Sleep to Increase HGH Levels

There is no doubt that the body needs sleep to revive and refresh the mind and basic physical functions, but sleep is also crucial to vital hormone production. For people suffering from adult growth hormone deficiency, getting more sleep to increase HGH levels is one of the best things they can do.
A lack of sleep one night may not cause serious problems. You may just find yourself a bit out of sorts, unable to concentrate, or fatigued the next day. However, if this problem continues to occur night after night, the effects will become cumulative. The loss of focus, exhaustion, and increased feelings of unease will make you susceptible to accidents and mistakes.
The connection between sleep and growth hormones is one of the most powerful that we see when it comes to hormone production.
Why Sleep Is So Important for HGH Production
Between 50 and 75 percent of your daily allowance of growth hormone is produced during sleep. GH secretion occurs in pulsatile bursts on average every three to five hours. The largest such release occurs about an hour after falling asleep during slow-wave REM sleep.
Throughout the night, smaller bursts continue to occur. Why are these HGH releases so important?
Think about the changes that occur as you age. Your muscles start to shrink, and your waist circumference begins to grow. You develop wrinkles and dry skin around the same time that your hair becomes thinner and your nails start to chip and break. Perhaps your joints ache, and you are no longer as flexible as you were in earlier years. We will not even talk about libido and memory. Each one of these areas relies on growth hormone.
When you get more sleep to increase HGH levels, your body will start to feel the effects with increased energy, focus, and even a better outlook and improved mood. The mind is especially important when it comes to HGH levels during sleep. Human growth hormone helps the brain process all of the day’s activities, knowledge, and memories, storing them away for future use and recall. Without enough HGH, the brain will not be able to accomplish these steps.
Sleep Problems and HGH Deficiency
Insomnia, frequent waking, restless sleep – these are all problems that can accompany HGH deficiency. It does not matter how your sleep is affected because the result will always be the same – not enough human growth hormones for your body’s needs.
The relationship between a lack of sleep and HGH production does not end with daily fatigue and reduced physical appearance or performance. The progression that can occur is where more serious issues appear.
Doctors agree that with reduced sleep, HGH production decline can lead to higher risk factors for other health conditions, such as:
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Metabolic syndrome
- Heart disease
- Premature death
What might surprise you, even more, is that HGH levels actually impact your sleep. One of the functions of human growth hormone in the bloodstream is to help the body relax as night begins. When HGH levels are too low, the body feels the stress and responds with higher output of cortisol. This stress hormone interferes with HGH production, causing a person to feel stimulated rather than ready to relax and unwind. Cortisol inhibits human growth hormone production and makes it hard to get a good night’s sleep.
How to Time Sleep for Maximum HGH Production
The time you go to bed at night can also have an impact on your HGH secretion. The body’s internal clock follows a circadian rhythm that begins around 11 pm. Between 11:30 and midnight you have the prime time for that one crucial large burst of HGH. If you are not asleep by this time, you could interfere with the amount of human growth hormone your body will secrete.
When you go to bed by 11 pm to get more sleep, more HGH will enter your bloodstream to provide your body with the benefits it needs.
Of course, avoiding food, alcohol, and high-intensity exercise before bed is also important, as is shutting down all electronic devices at least one hour before hitting the pillow.
For additional information about HGH production, sleep, blood testing for HGH deficiency, and affordable treatment options, please contact HT Medical Center for a free consultation.