What is Testosterone?

What is testosterone? This chemical compound is primarily seen as a male sex hormone that is important for reproductive and sexual development; however, women also produce this chemical compound (although at lower amounts) for many of the same reasons. In males, it is manufactured in the testes. In females, it is made in the adrenal glands and in the ovaries – all controlled by the pituitary gland and the brain’s hypothalamus. The hormone also plays a role fat distribution and weight gain, maintenance of muscle mass, body strength, sexual longing and ability to execute, bone density, mental acuity, appearance of skin, sleep patterns, strength of one’s immune system and so much more. What causes low testosterone levels is age and often a person’s lifestyle habits and how they care for their health. Many negative symptoms caused by low testosterone can affect a person’s life and we are here and ready to share those symptoms and how to turn them around.
Low Testosterone Symptoms
Most females and males who are dealing with a depletion in their testosterone levels in their bodies will experience low testosterone symptoms. These can be very mild to extremely severe and even debilitating at times. Feeling no sexual desire is one of the more common symptoms that we hear about along with fatigue, lethargy and often depression. Men will often complain of erectile dysfunction and women will tell us they have no fascination with sex at all. Men will become self conscious of their fading hairline and women tell us that they wish to participate in low testosterone treatment so that they may gain more skin elasticity for finer looking skin, hair and nails. Of course there are many more symptoms and many of the more serious ones include risk of heart failure and stroke due to higher cholesterol levels and heart issues. Yes, testosterone is a very imperative hormone to have at the right amounts in the body. When ranges are off, people will usually feel the symptoms shortly after they start to dip.
Blood Test for Low Testosterone in Men and Women
Any clinic that does not require a blood sample for low testosterone in men and women is probably not the clinic that should be working with in need clients. In order to acquire the proper, safest and most effective benefits of testosterone therapy and remain completely safe simultaneously, a doctor needs to know if a person’s symptoms are definitely triggered by low testosterone and they also need to know what levels they are at present. A blood test is the sole way to find this out. Blood work is usually gathered in the morning time when testosterone quantities are at their highest. At times, more than one test is taken to ensure what testosterone ranges are. This is done so that the absolute suitable medication can be prescribed and also at the precise dosage. Our clinic will make certain that they have the necessary information from a client before that person can buy testosterone injections from us. That is how our clinics run; legally and with the best interest of the client put first every time.
Low Testosterone Treatment
When a client comes to us and we determine that he or she has a true testosterone deficiency, we will begin low testosterone treatment right way. Treatment consists of following our doctor’s prescription by self administering the correct medications and amounts through subcutaneous injections. The amount of medication and the amount of time a client will be on our treatment program will depend completely on their personal situation. Throughout the years, we have proven that the benefits of testosterone injections have been truly successful. They have increased energy levels, body strength, muscle mass and sex drive, just to name of a few of the advantages from taking our remarkable medications. As soon as a client learns exactly what is testosterone, he or she will understand its importance for the body to operate properly in emotional, mental, physical and sexual ways. That is when we can form a trusting relationship to teach them more and to reverse their negative symptoms. We are what many people call the best clinic that knows exactly how to treat low testosterone levels in men and women.
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
The benefits of testosterone therapy can be located all around the Internet, but it is imperative to remember the only way to truly reap in these advantages is to use the correct medicines at the right dosages. Signs and indications of low testosterone usually make themselves very clearly known to the person dealing with low T. The treatment for low testosterone levels in men and women is very simple and usually can reverse the following symptoms so that the person feels healthy and strong in a minimal extent of time:
- Fatigue, lethargy or subsided energy
- Reduced sexual desire (loss of libido)
- Dysfunction of sexual organs (weak, fewer or no erections)
- Depression
- Disinterest in life and relationships
- Increased body fat
- Inability to loss the extra weight
- Reduced muscle mass, minimal strength
- Lower bone density
- Absence of body hair (a reduced amount of frequent shaving) and hair on head
- Loss of sharp mental awareness (memory, focus, concentration)
- Hot flashes and sweats
- Risk of serious heart complications
Some of these symptoms may seem more serious than others, but they come in different degrees and are all relative to the person who must deal with them. These indicators may be a warning of other health conditions to come and should never be ignored.
Benefits of Testosterone Injections
Our testosterone is self administered straight into the bloodstream and is absorbed quickly so that the benefits of testosterone injections can begin sooner than later. Great energy, exciting sexual experiences, more attractive looking skin, sharper eyesight, deep sleep, better memory are only a few of the benefits our injections give. Pills, sprays and drops have no benefits because they are taken orally and are metabolized almost immediately by the strong acids in the stomach. What can one expect to reap as benefits from testosterone treatment? It is unfeasible to say exactly how our injections will affect each person because every male and female is different; however, we can say that injections over any other process of delivery of testosterone into the body is the number one approach to get the best outcomes. We do know, throughout the many years we have worked with those in need, that the mainstream of people who reach out to us with low testosterone symptoms give us very positive responses to testosterone replacement.
Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate injection is indicated for treatment in clients who have conditions associated with symptoms of deficiency or nonexistence of testosterone being produced in the testes. It is one of our effective testosterone medications that we will only prescribe to clients with a proven need for this medication as determined by blood work, medicinal history, symptoms and an exam. The suggested dosage for Testosterone Cypionate varies amongst each individual client and their age, sex, symptoms and diagnosis. We suggest that clients never purchase this medication anywhere but from a qualified clinic or doctor. We tell them to use it exactly as prescribed and to make certain they are receiving full medical supervision while they are in treatment. We offer that and more to our clients here!
Testosterone Therapy Cost
Naturally, testosterone therapy cost will depend upon certain needs of each unique client. Not all people suffer the same symptoms when they are dealing with low testosterone levels and they certainly are not all the same sizes, do not all have the same body chemistry, medical history, symptoms or blood test results. These will all determine the price of treatment with us, including how long they will be in therapy. We do what we can to sustain our prices down by running our clinic online and via telephone and we deliver probably more than a person would get with any other clinic as far as impeccable customer service, the best doctor prescribed medications on the market, medical supervision and constant contact with our professionals. When a client contacts us and we speak directly with him or her, we will discuss their specific cost of low testosterone treatment and they will know exactly the price of changing their lives after testing is complete and we know what the prescription will be.
Buy Testosterone Injections
We want clients to be careful as to where they buy testosterone injections and to always make sure that they purchase them from a highly qualified clinic or licensed practicing doctor. There are too many scams out there where clinics or individuals attempt to sell fraudulent medications that are not authentic and genuine testosterone. This only leads to heartache and loss of funds, time and energy when no results are seen or felt from these ineffective injections. We sell only top quality injections that come from reputable manufacturers. Only work with local doctors that treat low testosterone levels who are fully licensed and have been highly recommended by others who have been treated for low T levels and got great results. We are one of those clinics that come highly recommended from clients and professionals all across the country.
How to Treat Low Testosterone Levels in Men and Women
With the finest, safest and most effective medications and dosages is how to treat low testosterone levels in men and women. That is what we do here. With the proper testing through an exam, medical history and blood samples, our doctors can determine if a client is dealing with low levels of testosterone that is causing his or her issues. If so, we treat them very closely and with the most amount of dignity, respect and understanding for how deeply horrifying and life changing the ailments of low T can be. The results that they get when our clients strictly follow our doctor’s prescription are remarkable! Through simple self administered injections, such as Testosterone Cypionate or another medication, along with lifestyle changes that we will teach our clients makes all the difference in their hormone levels and in their lives, including at home, at work and in personal and professional relationships.
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels

Disrupted signals from pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in the brain to the testes (in males) or to the ovaries (in females) is what causes low testosterone levels. In addition, the way a person treats his or her body throughout the years including eating habits, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, drinking too much and deprivation of sleep may have a profound consequence on testosterone levels. There is good news though. This is reversible with changing poor behaviors and with learning exactly how to escalate low testosterone levels with our help. Learning the satisfactory amount of hours (a minimum of 8 hours) to sleep at night for an example can be very powerful. Sleep is all important for helping to heal the body as it rests and replenishes itself and its testosterone levels to get ready for the following day. In addition, eating healthy foods with the healthy fats will help. Never smoking, moderate drinking and learning stress management techniques if stress is a life force that is causing problems are all important. On top of all of that, our medications are safe and simple to administer at home with our medical supervision.
Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels in Men and Women
A client can get the best treatment for low testosterone levels in men and women when they know they are working with the best local clinic with a highly thought of reputation for great success with clients throughout the country. That is right here. We have the licensed and fully knowledgeable doctors who can prescribe testosterone therapy to clients in need once they know the person’s situation and specific needs. We do everything to make treatment very simple and convenient for busy people or people who are suffering so badly with the terrible effects of losing their testosterone that they need our help from their homes – and for it to be as stress free and pressure free as possible. Our caring experts are only a telephone call away to help clients who have questions or concerns as they are going through our treatment protocol and have all the correct answers to settle a person’s mind if they are questioning anything about therapy.
How to Increase Low Testosterone Levels
How to increase low testosterone levels is actually a much easier process than most people who are just researching hormone replacement therapy might believe – especially when they work with a clinic like ours that makes the process so simplified. Once the client is properly tested for an adult deficiency of testosterone and they receive our doctor prescribed medications, they can begin treatment right away upon receiving our medications that will be shipped directly to their home. The medications are delivered into the bloodstream and immediately go to work to restore the testosterone that is missing in the body. The blood test for low testosterone in men and women will determine exactly which medication will be the best for each person and how much they will requisite to see some great changes in their minds and their bodies. Along with medication, we will teach some great lifestyle skills that we can only hope clients will follow. These are things such as eating well, sleeping enough, exercising, keeping stress levels down and not smoking because all the mentioned habits are huge determinants of natural testosterone production.
Local Doctors That Treat Low Testosterone Levels
Where ever a prospective client lives in the United States, we have local doctors that treat low testosterone levels who are ready and available to help when contacted. We work online safely and honestly with our clients and are always there for customer service over the phone. All the doctors who work with us are top notch professionals and truly care for every person with whom we help. There is no mistaking our level of care as being above and beyond most other clinics and local doctors as people can read in the many testimonials that are scattered throughout the pages of the website. Our local experts have helped thousands of men and women to balance out skewed testosterone levels to the right ranges to produce amazing health results that help to a client live the existence they have always wanted to, despite their age and stage in life.
Who Can Prescribe Testosterone Therapy
Some people believe that just about any doctor is a professional who can prescribe testosterone therapy. This is not true. We only advise that our clients seek out specialists in the field who are fully trained and licensed to comprehensively review exams charts and blood work results to check for testosterone deficiencies. They should be physicians who know the correct medications and dosages to prescribe for each distinct client and at the same time to give the proper medical supervision during the client’s therapeutic journey. We have all that and more to offer to our clients. Buying low cost sprays, drops or pills without a prescription off the shelves of health food grocery stores or pharmacies is not the way to proceed if a person wants results. These are ineffective products and do not need a prescription. The lone way to truly make a alteration in the levels of testosterone in the body to where the person can see and feel results is to use appropriate doctor prescribed injections.
Cost of Low Testosterone Treatment
We understand that most people want to know the cost of low testosterone therapy right up front and if we had the answer, we would certainly give it to our prospective clients. The reality is that we will not know testosterone therapy cost until we know exactly what the individual needs. That will require blood test, an exam, a full medical history and current symptomology. We are here around the clock with our contact form to get the process started or during the business day for a direct phone conversation. Clients are often surprised at how affordable our testosterone therapy is with what we have to offer and they are overly thrilled with their therapy results that it makes treatment worth every penny.