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  1. High Testosterone

    High Testosterone – Is Too Much Good or Bad? Ambition, strength, confidence, sexual prowess, determination – these are all qualities associated with high testosterone in men and women. Unfortunately, so are aggression, alcohol abuse, risky behaviors, and even polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in females. When it comes to high testosterone levels, we have to look […]

  2. Estrogen Therapy Side Effects

    Estrogen Therapy Side Effects: What You Need to Know Any medical treatment has pros and cons, and that is why you need to understand estrogen therapy side effects. Hormone replacement therapy is just that – a way to increase hormone levels after they decline. Unfortunately, not all methods of HRT are equal in their functions, […]

  3. Estrogen Therapy Prescription

    Do You Need an Estrogen Therapy Prescription? Women dealing with menopause have many options to reduce their unwanted symptoms. For many, the first choice is to get an estrogen therapy prescription from their doctors. Is this the right decision, and do you even need a prescription for estrogen therapy? If you want to use one […]

  4. Testosterone Enanthate Administration

    Testosterone Enanthate Administration and Prescribing Information Men diagnosed with low testosterone levels have options for treatment to raise this androgen hormone level safely. Testosterone enanthate administration is a once a week (approximate) therapy designed to provide the body with a supplemental supply of testosterone gradually released into the bloodstream via intramuscular injection. What is testosterone […]

  5. Too Much Growth Hormone

    Too Much Growth Hormone – Is It Bad for You? It is just as bad to have too much growth hormones in your body as it is to have too little. Although growth hormone deficiency brings numerous unpleasant symptoms, increasing GH levels too high can produce even worse side effects. There are only a few […]

  6. Low Testosterone and Back Pain

    Low Testosterone And Back Pain: What Is The Relationship? What is the relationship between low testosterone and back pain? Can low testosterone cause back pain? Yes. Since a testosterone deficiency (low T) can lead a person to have mild to severe aches and pains in joints and muscles, back pain can occur too. When pain […]

  7. Testosterone and Tiredness

    Testosterone Levels And Tiredness: What Is The Relationship? Low testosterone levels and tiredness have a direct correlation. Studies throughout the years have all proven that when low T occurs, it can rob a body of energy and fill it with tiredness, fatigue and lethargy. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism conducted a plethora of […]

  8. Forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women First comes the decision to begin testosterone treatment. The next important factor is determining which of the many forms of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to use. Whether you are male or female, you have options. HT Medical Center cautions against trying to make this decision alone. […]

  9. What is Compounded Testosterone

    What Is Compounded Testosterone and Who Needs It? Most every adult has heard of testosterone replacement therapy, but not everyone knows about compounded testosterone. What is compounded testosterone, how is it different from regular testosterone, and who needs it? Compounded testosterone is identical in structure to similar pharmaceutical testosterone medications. The difference is that special […]

  10. HGH Study Research 2018

    HGH Study Research 2018 – What the Latest Reports Say At HT Medical Center, one of our goals is to bring you information we feel is relevant to those seeking hormone therapy. Our first HGH study research 2018 report features some relatively new data from last year, as well as prior reports we want to […]

Human Growth Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many of us know and have learned about how hormones are the chemical messengers in the body regulating many vital functions. There are different hormones that work on different areas of the body to keep things running smooth and efficient. Besides wanting to look young, people also have cases of gender identity being confusing and wanting to be the opposite of their gender. In these cases also hormone replacement therapy is vital. For others it’s about ageing and the discomfort that comes with growing older. People want to look young with wrinkle free skin and vitality that is there during their younger years. They turn to hormone replacement for these reasons as well. Another reason to opt for it is during menopause. Many women experience extreme mood swings and lack of interest as their body goes through a phase called menopause. It is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and this affects levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. By using supplements of these hormones women can overcome the problems that accompany this huge change in their lives.