What is Low Testosterone?

What is low testosterone? Before coming to any conclusions as to what is causing the negative aliments a person is feeling, they should investigate what is low T. The simple answer concerning low hormone levels such as testosterone is when the system ceases producing the same amount of this hormone either due to maturity in years or possibly also due to neglecting their health. Hypogonadism is the medical term that is often used to define the slowing down of the manufacturing of testosterone in the testes in the man and in the ovaries in the woman. Most people reach their sexual maturity during their teen years into their 20’s. Then the inevitable programmed aging process starts to commence and sometime in a person’s 30’s they will begin to feel effects of what could possibly be low testosterone levels. These symptoms can be physical, emotional, mental and/or sexual. They can surface from relatively mild to where the missing hormones are not really noticed, to so severe that they intrude upon a person’s ability to function properly and drastically diminish their enjoyment of life.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
A person may be feeling some of the symptoms of low testosterone if they are just not feeling right, they are in their 30’s or older and are experiencing:
- A lack of desire to do things they love
- A difficult time remembering and concentrating
- Gaining fat around the belly and losing muscle
- A loss of desire for sex or have erectile dysfunction
- Feeling tired and fatigued all the time
These are only several of the symptoms that can plague a person who is dealing with low T. Other symptoms can be:
- Feeling irritable, moody, grumpy, depressed or emotionally uneasy
- Having poor, interrupted sleep at night
- Lowering of bone density
- Skin that loses its elasticity leading to wrinkles
- Inability to heal quickly from sickness, infection or injuries
These are all very significant signs of low testosterone and if a person is feeling them, they are advised to consider getting their blood tested right away with a reputable clinic such as ours. This way, they can find out if there is help to reverse the symptoms. If a person is experiencing low testosterone levels, there is help out there – right here with our testosterone replacement therapy that can safely, quickly and painlessly optimize their testosterone levels once again and help them to look and feel as if they are 20 again.
What Causes Low Testosterone in Men?
What causes low testosterone in men who are otherwise healthy males is – simply put – aging. Another cause can be years of neglect and disregard for the body’s need for good food, plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours), moderate daily exercise and lack of stress in their lives. In addition, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can add to the lowering of testosterone levels. Also called male hypogonadism, low T in men is caused when the male testicles do not manufacture enough of the male sex hormone testosterone. There are two basic types of hypogonadism. One originates from problems in the testicles, called primary testicular failure and the other, which is secondary, indicates a problem in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland in the brain that signals the testicles to produce testosterone. In general, our clinics deal with the secondary cause of the issue because that can directly be related to the inevitable aging process that all people must got through, but do not have to suffer through. With low testosterone treatment, men can have their horrible symptoms of losing testosterone reversed by replacing the missing hormone with a bioidentical replica of exactly what would normally be produced if they were younger.
Low Testosterone Treatment
Low testosterone treatment begins when a deficiency is diagnosed by a qualified and licensed doctor who discovers a male is not producing the correct amount of testosterone in his body. Once this discovery is made by the analysis of blood work, medical history and a physical exam, the replacement process of treatment for low testosterone levels can begin. A legal prescription will be written for the correct medications and dosages for each individual man who comes for help. All men will be given the respect and attention of having a tailor made therapy program developed just for them and their unique needs. Each male will be followed through their progress by a clinical advisor who will be there for questions or concerns if they come up during treatment. Furthermore, our doctors will be providing complete medical supervision of each client as well. We are considered number one for our customer service when clients are in low testosterone treatment with us, as we want to make sure that they are feeling the results as safely and as quickly as possible.
Signs of Low Testosterone
The signs of low testosterone levels can often be very severe and a person may not even know why they are feeling so low, depression, fatigued, sick and void of any desire to truly live life anymore. Their sexual identities are now skewed because they feel empty of any desires. They may even experience erectile dysfunction. Often it takes the right doctor to direct a client in the right place for help with what we call low T. Once a person realizes what his issue is that is causing these terrible signs and symptoms, he can get help. Find a clinic that has been helping people for years to supplement their low testosterone levels and raise them until the person is feeling strong and healthy again. It is important for a person to pay attention to what their body is telling them and to seek help when they are feeling down. If they cannot get an answer from one doctor, they should visit another. Often, most people do not know what is low testosterone and this easily treatable condition is overlooked and neglected. There needs to be more education about male health issues such as low T. We intend to continue helping men with their issues as we have done so well thus far, according to the many testimonials and reviews we have gotten for our success rate in diagnosing low T from the signs of low testosterone that our clients share with us.
How to Test for Low Testosterone
The first step in how to test for low testosterone can happen at home. A person can ask themselves several questions that can check for signs and symptoms that may be due to low testosterone levels.
- Do they feel fatigued with lack of energy?
- Is their sex drive low?
- Do they suffer with erectile dysfunction?
- Are they getting sick more often than normal?
- Do they have disturbed sleep?
- Are they finding it difficult to concentrate and focus?
- Is there memory failing them?
- Are they gaining weight?
- Are they losing muscle mass?
- Are they feeling depressed, irritable or moody?
If the answer to most of these questions is yes, it may be time for a doctor’s check up and blood work to be taken to check IGF-1 levels for a testosterone deficiency. This appointment will be set up for our clients by our advisors and they usually schedule the blood work in the morning when testosterone levels are at their highest. A quick blood test, which feels just like a test that would be taken during a normal routine doctor’s visit will determine a lot. A physical exam is included, and we ask that clients complete our medical form. The process takes no time at all and that is how to test for low testosterone with a legal, reputable and well known clinic such as ours. Finding out low T is the problem is a great step to fixing it and reversing all the aforementioned symptoms.
Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels
Treatment for low testosterone levels in men can begin just as soon as a reputable clinic such as HT Medical Center diagnoses the problem and a legal prescription is written by a licensed professional doctor. Treatment will be different depending upon the person and our specialists tailor make different and appropriate therapy programs for each individual client. What medications they take, how much and for how long will all depend upon many different factors including, age, symptoms, body chemistry and more. Our clinical advisors will always answer questions for our clients before, during and even after treatment. The first question people usually ask is what causes low testosterone in men. We are always happy to explain everything in detail because we believe that an educated client is the best kind. Since age and lifestyle habits affect the way a person feels and the level of testosterone depletion, one we can change and one we cannot. Part of our treatment for low testosterone is to educate our clients on ways to naturally increase the hormone with proper nutrition, sleep, exercise and reduction of stress.