Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Anxiety: How to Improve Your Life

If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, or depression, low testosterone may be the cause. Anxiety can ruin your life. It can lead to impaired job performance and break-down in personal relationships. The time has come to learn about testosterone replacement therapy and anxiety, and how you can benefit from treatment.
For some adults suffering from low testosterone, anxiety, panic attacks, and increased stress have become the norm. Nobody should live in this state of being. Stress is not healthy and reduces your body’s immune system functions.
When a hormone doctor prescribes testosterone therapy and anxiety levels decline, a person can once again face life head-on. Emotional stability returns, and self-image, confidence, and motivation improve. Life is as it should be – fulfilling and enriching.
For a person dealing with untreatable depression and anxiety, testosterone therapy could be the answer. Before the advent of antidepressants, testosterone was often the go-to treatment for depression. Thankfully, doctors are once again returning to testosterone therapy as a way to improve emotional well-being. Many people who do not respond well to antidepressants get excellent results with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
If you are suffering from anxiety, testosterone symptoms associated with low hormone levels may include:
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Nervousness
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
Adults with extreme cases of low testosterone and anxiety may isolate themselves from others. Low T symptoms such as weight gain, memory loss, lack of energy, thinning hair, muscle decline, and reduced sex drive only add to the feelings of anxiety.
Why Does Low Testosterone Increase Anxiety?
You may feel helpless against your depression, stress, and anxiety. Testosterone deficiency affects a person on many levels. The simple explanation is that testosterone provides crucial signals to androgen receptors in the brain that stimulate cognitive functions and emotional well-being. The more complicated answer is that testosterone and anxiety influence one another.
For example, when you have very low testosterone, anxiety, depression, and increased stress are typically present. Stress creates a genuine problem for testosterone. The more you feel stressed or anxious, the more cortisol your body produces. Cortisol is an important hormone to help you deal with stress, but, too much of it can inhibit testosterone secretion. As cortisol levels climb, testosterone production drops.
Elevated levels of cortisol also keep you from relaxing at night when it is time to sleep. Both testosterone and growth hormone production occur during sleep. Cortisol reduces the secretion of both hormones. Since growth hormone also improves testosterone production, you are fighting an uphill battle.
Although you need to use testosterone against anxiety, your body does not respond due to high cortisol levels. Instead, you become more anxious, cortisol increases further, and testosterone declines even more. The vicious cycle has no end unless you take action.
That is why you want to contact a hormone specialist to ask about testosterone replacement therapy and anxiety. An experienced doctor will recognize signs of low testosterone and run the necessary diagnostic tests.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Anxiety
The goal of using testosterone replacement therapy for anxiety is to restore hormonal balance so that your body and brain function at their best.
Do not be afraid that TRT is going to create massive muscles or put hair on your chest. You will not experience aggressive mood swings or “roid rage” unless you use excessively high doses of testosterone. That is not what hormonal balancing is all about.
Testosterone effects on anxiety will do more than just help you to feel more like the way you did in the past. TRT will improve your overall mood, sleep, and outlook. You will have increased energy, lose weight, and feel healthier. Feelings of depression will start to subside within weeks of beginning treatment with testosterone for Low T.
Benefits of testosterone replacement therapy include:
- Better mood
- Deeper sleep
- Loss of abdominal fat
- Improved muscle mass
- Stronger bones
- Sharper memory and brain functions
- Brighter outlook
- Increased drive and productivity
- Better hair growth
- Enhanced sex drive, performance, and pleasure
- Lower cholesterol levels
Think about it for a minute, when you are dealing with the reverse of the above benefits, it is easy to become depressed and stressed. Low T symptoms naturally increase anxiety. For people with low levels of testosterone, anxiety treatment using TRT restores hormonal balance for a brighter future. Isn’t that what you want?
To learn more about testosterone replacement therapy and anxiety, please contact HT Medical Center. We provide hormone testing and treatment to men and women throughout the US. Confidential consultations are available at no charge.