The Connection between HGH and Insulin Resistance

For people with insulin resistance, glucose absorption by the body’s cells becomes a problem, compounded more so when a decline in HGH levels reduces the level of cell reproduction; this can have a drastic effect on insulin and glucose in the body.
It is impossible to point a finger and say why some people develop insulin resistance, and others do not, but as we explore the connection between HGH and insulin resistance, one thing becomes clear – human growth hormone does help insulin regulate carbohydrate metabolism necessary to keep blood glucose at normal levels.
By learning how to use HGH and insulin together, we can effectively work to improve glucose uptake in the body.
Does a decline in HGH cause insulin resistance?
HGH itself does not necessarily directly impact the body and cause diabetes, but it can play a role that leads up to it. Here are some important points of information:
- First of all, people who are obese or overweight have a higher risk factor for insulin resistance. Weight gain is common for people with low growth hormone levels due to a decline in signals received by the body’s metabolism to process food.
- Next, increased weight is often seen in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle – those who do not get enough exercise or physical activity. This is also a factor in prediabetes.
- HGH, along with insulin growth factor 1, improves the liver’s synthesis of glucose and suppresses the way insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose in the peripheral tissues.
The Impact of HGH on Insulin Resistance
As we continue to look at the impact of HGH and insulin, we see that the suppression of glucose uptake in the muscles can lead to glycogen buildup via gluconeogenesis.
One difference between HGH and insulin is the antagonistic relationship that they have. One may decrease while the other increases in the bloodstream. Too much growth hormone can have an adverse effect, and excessive HGH when not needed has been shown to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. For that reason, doctors carefully calculate HGH dosage requirements before prescribing this treatment to adults with growth hormone deficiency.
Based on a study of supplemental HGH and insulin before and after, using a low-dose course of HGH along with controlling diet reduced visceral fat, increased lean muscle mass, and brought improvements in insulin resistance to patients with type 2 diabetes.
HGH, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes
Here at HT Medical Center, we are often asked how to use HGH and insulin together. First of all, HGH therapy is a doctor-prescribed and supervised protocol. Although it is possible to purchase HGH online without a prescription, it is illegal and dangerous to do so. You have no way of knowing if what you are getting is safe to use and if it is what your body needs.
While it is crucial for everyone to heed those words, it is even more important for people with diabetes, and taking chances with any treatment without doctor supervision is risky and foolish.
That being said, when using HGH and insulin at the same time, additional blood analysis will be performed to check glucose levels. Many people can reduce their insulin intake, but, again, this must be supervised by a doctor.
Here are some specific HGH and insulin results as they pertain to diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes – with this condition, reduced insulin reaches the liver causing a lowering of IGF-1 levels in the blood. This adversely impacts the promotion of HGH effects via the IGF-1 connection. The use of HGH therapy helps to increase IGF-1 levels in the body.
- Type 2 Diabetes – metabolic syndrome is of great concern for people with this type of diabetes. Since the condition is marked by high blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, abdominal obesity, and glucose intolerance, treatment with HGH can help in all of those areas.
For additional information or a free personal consultation with a hormone specialist, please contact HT Medical Center by phone or completion of the short form on this page.