HGH Side Effects

While many people are somewhat familiar with the many benefits provided by doctor prescribed human growth hormone treatments, which always uses the injectable form of this bioidentical replenishment therapy, they might be less familiar with any possible HGH side effects that could occur. To begin with, it is important to understand why US physicians only prescribe this specific delivery system, as opposed to pills or sprays that claim to increase the body’s natural hormonal production. Doctors realize that taken orally, so-called human growth hormone supplements are digested in the stomach before they can be absorbed through the body, which is why they are not effective; sprays are similarly ineffective. Despite their claims to as effective as injectable HGH, the FTC has no reliable evidence that supports those claims. That is why the US medical community that specializes in HRT (hormone replacement therapy) only uses prescription human growth hormone. It is also why any potential HGH side effects that could occur are typically associated with medically prescribed treatments, which are considered to be extremely safe and effective overall.
HGH Side Effects – More Common
Even though the risk of experiencing any adverse reaction to treatment is quite low, it is always wise to be aware of potential HGH side effects before beginning a replenishment program. It is also a good idea to realize that even though they are not effective in restoring hormonal levels, many of the products that are advertised online and in other media can be potentially harmful since they are not regulated or controlled in any way. The possible HGH Side Effects – More Common that are listed below pertain to medically supervised prescription therapy. Not all of them may occur.
- A tingling sensation or numbness of the skin
- Blurred vision
- Mild dizziness
- Severe headache
- Swelling due to fluid retention in body tissue
- Increased cholesterol levels
It is critical to the success of any HRT program being prescribed for adults who are over the age of thirty to use only approved and recognized therapeutic products, which include well-known brands such as Saizen, Humatropin and Genotropin. Using the exact product that has been prescribed is the only way to ensure its authenticity and minimize the possibility of experiencing any HGH side effects at all. Relying on experienced HRT medical professionals such as those affiliated with HT Medical Center, who provides a nationwide network of local providers to receive treatment from, is a very effective way to avoid fraudulent products and reduce potential risks.
HGH Side Effects – Less Common or Rare
There are a number of HGH side effects that have been less commonly or rarely reported since its first clinical use nearly thirty years ago. However, becoming more familiar with growth hormone replacement therapy should include as much pertinent information as possible, both pro and con. While highly unlikely to occur, listed below are some of the symptoms that can be HGH Side Effects – Less Common or Rare:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Depression of skin at injection site
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Abdominal bloating or discomfort
- Pain or tightness in chest
- Skin rash or itchiness
- Irregular heartbeat or palpitations
- Hip, knee or other joint pain
Many of the side effects that do occur are usually mild and temporary in nature and do not require medical attention. When receiving treatment from a leading HRT provider like HT Medical Center, patient support services are available along with information about how to avoid or reduce HGH side effects. Both anecdotal and independent research indicates that the vast majority of patients in the United States who using medically prescribed HRT programs are extremely satisfied with the results of treatment.
Risks of Taking Human Growth Hormone If You Don’t Need It?
Doctors who specialize in prescribing HRT programs for adults will always require a diagnostic blood test to determine whether a verified GH deficiency exists. This makes irrelevant the entire question of what are the risks of taking human growth hormone if you don’t need it? Measuring the body’s IGF-1 levels is the only way to be able accurately diagnose and prescribe a program that will eradicate symptoms and reduce the potential for HGH side effects, as well. HRT programs should only be used when medically indicated.
What Are Potential Side-Effects?
Many HGH side effects can be completely avoided by providing the treating doctor with a complete picture of any pre-existing conditions or injuries that could affect the desired results. It is essential to include this information in the evaluation of an individual patient’s specific requirements. Without full disclosure, what are potential side-effects? Any issues involving active cancer, organ transplants, or chronic diseases should be discussed before proceeding with therapy.