Benefits of HGH and Immune System Functions

The older you get, the more likely you are to get sick – and the longer it takes to recuperate. It is no surprise to hormone specialists that this coincides with the fact the human growth hormone levels also decline as you age.
There is a direct connection between HGH and immune system functions.
Human growth hormone promotes cellular regeneration. After HGH signals reach the liver, that organ secretes a chemical called insulin growth factor 1. IGF-1 is the mediator of many of the effects of HGH in the body – including cell reproduction.
Some of the cells that receive this HGH/IGF-1 benefit are B and T cells. B and T lymphocytes are white blood cells that prevent damage to the body by attacking foreign antigens. B cells form in bone marrow and T cells in the thymus gland. One of the functions of HGH is to provide new cells to prevent internal organ and gland shrinkage with age. The thymus gland typically shrinks as we age, reducing immune system functions. That is why it is crucial to maintain adequate HGH levels.
When given an HGH boost, immune system functions such as immunoglobulin formation improve. HGH further enhances myeloid progenitor cell maturation which modulates cytokine response.
HGH also increases production of interleukin 2, crucial for manufacturing of new antibodies.
Reasons Why HGH Deficiency Adults Get Sick More Often
People with higher levels of growth hormone have a better ability to fight off invading germs. They tend to recover quicker from illness. Think back to when you were younger. How long did it take you to get over a cold as compared to the age you are now?
You want to ensure that HGH affects immune system responses in a positive way as you age. Six months of HGH therapy has proven effective in strengthening the immune system and reducing recovery time in adults.
Low levels of HGH and immune system dysfunction may also include the internal organs. Growth hormone deficiency can lead to organ shrinkage over time. HGH, along with IGF-1, provides the organs with an increased supply of new cells to help maintain their structural integrity and functions.
Adults with growth hormone deficiency also tend to have higher levels of cortisol. Stress plays a role in breaking down the body’s immune responses. That is why illness often occurs in times of high stress. Increase HGH levels, and you also reduce cortisol in the bloodstream.
HGH and Immune Functions in Adults with HIV
A decline in HGH and the immune system functions is a significant issue for adults with HIV.
Numerous studies of HIV adults receiving HGH therapy have led to improved T lymphocyte functions. Following 12 weeks of HGH administration, significant increases were found in CD4 and CD8 counts which imply a boost in thymus activity. These benefits came from better thymus response as previously outlined above. The thymus gland is crucial to a functioning immune system, both in healthy and immunocompromised adults.
HGH has also shown considerable benefits for HIV wasting syndrome and reversing weight loss. Improving overall structural integrity of the body helps maintain a healthier functioning immune system.
HGH deficiency can reduce your body’s ability to fight off invading germs. Increasing human growth hormone levels with HGH therapy can strengthen your immune system.
To learn more about HGH and immune system functions, or for further information about human growth hormone deficiency and treatment, please contact HT Medical Center. Our hormone advisors provide confidential consultations to men and women at no charge.